Accueil > Location Colocation > Le Cannet (06110) > 3 775 €CC

Logement étudiant à Le Cannet

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Location Colocation à Le Cannet - Meublé - 200m²

3 775€ /mois cc
Ajouter au coup de coeur

Type de location : Location classique - Meublé : OuiCalculez votre aide

Disponibilités : 07/09/2025
Disponibilités : 07/09/2025
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Logement étudiant Colocation à Le Cannet (06110) 1/10
Disponibilités : 07/09/2025
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Informations et réservations

Délai de réponse moyen: 24-48h

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Type de réservation:Location classique
Type de bien:Colocation
Classe énergétique:A (moins de 50)
GES:A (moins de 5)
Colocation possible:Non


For the past 7 years we have successfully rented our private Villa to Skema students studying at Siophia Antipolis

The fully furnished Villa has three levels, 5 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms plus additional toilet, a big open-plan kitchen, dining room and lounge. There is a nice garden with private swimming pool and views of the sea. So much nicer to live in a lovely Villa with private pool than a small studio flat!

One person needs to be the 'Prefect' and coordinate matters between the five of you and me. The monthly rental plus bills which do not come to much (ie electricity, water, internet).

Please contact me by messaging if interested.

Updated on 12/03/2025
Référence annonce : 1426421596

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3 775€ CC