Accueil > Location T4 > Fargues Saint Hilaire (33370) > 1 050 €CC

Logement étudiant à Fargues Saint Hilaire

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Location T4 à Fargues Saint Hilaire - Meublé - 75m²

1 050€ /mois cc
Ajouter au coup de coeur

Type de location : Location classique - Meublé : OuiCalculez votre aide

Disponibilités : 14/03/2025
Disponibilités : 14/03/2025
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Logement étudiant T4 à Fargues Saint Hilaire (33370) 1/10
Disponibilités : 14/03/2025
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Type de réservation:Location classique
Type de bien:T4
Classe énergétique:A (moins de 50)
GES:A (moins de 5)
Colocation possible:Non


Ground floor 4 room furnished appartement (75m2) with bathroom (shower). There's a sitting room that can be used as a bedroom. Microwave, counter-top oven, expresso and filter coffee machines, cooking pots (induction), dishes etc. all provided. There's clothes washer in the kitchen. Gated parking for 1 car.

Strictly non-smoking

We speak French, English, Spanish, and a bit of German.
Ideal for someone studying at the "Pole de Gestion" at the Bastide (buses drop you off 250 metres from the school and our place or the tramway that will take you anywhere in Bordeaux)... or in the University of Bordeaux in Pessac/Talence - we recommend you come with your own car.

850€/month All charges are included, except electricity (about 200€/month depending on your usage). Charges included: central heating, water, hot water, waste management and other taxes. Fibre optic internet is negotiable.

Updated on 13/03/2025
Référence annonce : 1426408797

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Logement étudiant Location T3 Vide Artigues près Bordeaux (33370) Location T3 Vide Artigues près Bordeaux (33370) A partir de 1 000€
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1 050€ CC